What are the safety precautions for Suspended Platform

2024/05/13 15:10

What are the safety precautions for Suspended Platform? Here are some safety considerations for the Suspended Platform:

Equipment inspection: Check whether the structure, steel wire rope, safety lock and other parts of the Suspended Platform are intact before use.

Load limit: It is strictly prohibited to use the Suspended Platform to ensure that the specified load limit is not exceeded.

Personnel requirements: Operators should be trained and familiar with the Suspended Platform operating procedures and safety regulations.

Safety belt wearing: Personnel must wear safety belts properly while on the Suspended Platform.

Stable operation: The Suspended Platform should be kept stable during the lifting process to avoid violent shaking.

Inclement weather: Under inclement weather conditions, such as strong wind and heavy rain, the use of hanging baskets is prohibited.

No climbing: No personnel are allowed to climb in or out of the hanging basket.

Electrical safety: Pay attention to the electrical safety of the Suspended Platform to prevent electric shock accidents.

Suspended Platform

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