Galvanized Round Shaped Suspended Platform maintenance

2024/06/27 16:07

Galvanized Round Shaped Suspended Platform as an outdoor landscape facility requires careful maintenance to ensure safety, beauty and durability. Here are the key tips for maintenance:

Regular inspection: Complete inspection at least once a year to check the structural integrity, paying special attention to rust, cracks, deformation or loose connectors. Repair or replace damaged parts in a timely manner.

Cleaning and maintenance: Regularly remove dirt, fallen leaves and water on the surface of the platform to avoid corrosion caused by long-term water. Use mild cleaners and avoid strong corrosive substances.

Anti-rust treatment: in a humid or seaside environment, regularly check the Galvanized Round Shaped Suspended Platform layer, repair or re-galvanized in time to prevent the spread of rust.

Fastener inspection: Check and tighten the connection screws, bolts and fasteners regularly to ensure the structure is stable. After extreme weather, the inspection should be strengthened.

Drainage system maintenance: Ensure that the drainage outlet is unimpeded to avoid the burden of water and accelerate corrosion.

Limit overload: strictly abide by the design bearing capacity, avoid overload, reduce structural pressure, extend life.

Through systematic and meticulous maintenance, we ensure that the Galvanized Round Shaped Suspended Platform can provide visitors with a unique viewing experience safely and stably for a long time.

Galvanized Round Shaped Suspended Platform

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